Tag: gold


  • 10 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Economic Collapse

    The End is Nigh, and we’re not just talking about Glenn Beck’s ratings. Some economists are saying that the US has passed the point of no return with its economy, which means economic collapse is as inevitable as Charlie Sheen’s future apologies. There’s lots you’ll need to do before hunkering down in your zombie-proof bunker […]

  • 8 Ways to Beat Inflation

    Adam Hamilton proves inflation? People have been quivering at the feet of fabled Inflation Genie since at least 2007. So far, despite quantitative easing, a weak dollar, and last year’s commodities price spikes, he hasn’t burst out of his Fed-plated lamp. It may just be a matter of time. The US Federal Reserve is printing […]

  • 10 Ways People Eat Gold

    Gold, formerly a losing proposition, is experiencing a revival as investors scurry to inflation-proof their assets. A smaller industry lurks in the shadow of bullion and maple leaf coins. It is the edible gold industry, which invests only in appetite and opulence. Here are 10 ways that people eat their gold: 1. Gold Brick Chicken […]

  • It’s the Second Gold Rush as People Seek Safe Place for Money

    From the Financial Times: Fears that the US Treasury’s bail-out plan could fail provided support for the gold market, which saw holdings by the main gold exchange traded funds rise to record levels as investors sought a safe haven from the turmoil in financial markets. On Thursday, the US government was forced to “temporarily” suspend […]