12 Countries With The Highest & Lowest Tax Rates

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Australia, with a 31.5% marginal tax rate on average income workers, manage to clock in at 17th on the IMF’s GDP per capita ranking with $36,918. The island nation is bouncing back surprisingly strong from the worldwide economic meltdown, with the BBC reporting on January 14, 2010 that had fallen to 5.5% at a time when similarly situated nations are struggling with double-digit unemployment. According to Deputy Prime Minister Juliar Gillard, the BBC’s findings “provide further evidence of how Australia has outperformed virtually every other advanced economy during the global recession.” With a tax rate similar to that of the United States, Australia has long provided incentives for the hard work, entrepreneurship and risk-taking that are fundamental to sustained economic growth and high standards of living.

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Written by Jeff Springer

Jeff Spring is the Finance & Markets Editor at BusinessPundit.com. He's currently spending his days backpacking across Europe. While he may be living outside of the United States, he stays connected to American financial markets and M&A's more than is probably healthy for any single person. His love of a good book and a Bloomberg terminal can't be understated.