The businesses on the Fortune 500 list are the biggest in America and collectively enjoy $1.2 trillion in profits. This graphic illustrates the 20 Fortune 500 companies with the highest and lowest returns per employee.

The Financial Sector
Financial companies are featured heavily in the top 20 most profitable per employee list with 8 spots. The profit per employee in the financial sector is an average of $116k.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) that buy and guarantee mortgages. They are two of the most profitable businesses per employee.
The Technology Sector
The average profit per employee in the technology sector is $88k.
Apple has 137,000 employees – which is high for the companies on this list – yet still earns over $400k in profits per employee.
The Energy Sector
The average profit per employee in the energy sector is $86k. However, nine companies in the bottom 20 of the least profitable per employee ranking are in the energy sector. Chesapeake Energy has filed for bankruptcy in 2020.
The Transportation Sector
The average profit per employee in the transportation sector is $22k. But Uber is one of the least profitable per employee companies. Uber reported a $1.8 billion loss during the second quarter of 2020.