Brian Wallace

  • health insurance benefit verification automation

    Innovation in Health Insurance Benefit Verification Automation

    When it comes to complex workflows and rules in the world of health insurance benefits, you could try to build systems yourself from scratch or leave it up to the experts. See more about how innovation is moving in the world of health insurance benefit verification automation in the infographic below, courtesy of Orbit Healthcare: […]

  • component search engine

    Visualizing and Deconstructing the Things We Use and Buy

    Often, we take much of what we see in our day to day lives for granted. If you stopped and deconstructed all of the component parts that make up a lot of today’s equipment, transportation, and machinery, you would be surprised to see its sheer level of sophistication. That said, it is time for the […]

  • Don’t Let Spotty Internet Ruin Your Work-From-Home Situation

    Credit: freepik via Freepik Is bad Internet cramping your work-from-home style? Small changes can help you get through the workday without freezing mid-Zoom with the boss.  More people are working from home than ever before. About one-third of all workers ages 18 and over work from home all the time. More (41 percent) join them […]

  • coworking in NYC

    Community Coworking: A Much Needed Coworking Refresh

    When it comes to all of the options for coworking in NYC, there are a multitude of choices between big brands and more specialized solutions. That said, coworking often feels like it hasn’t fully embraced the work revolution that largely started during the pandemic. This trend made it possible for more people than ever to […]

  • Diversification vs. Focus: What’s the Best Strategy for Your Business?

    When it comes to growing a business, there are two main approaches: diversification and focus. Diversification involves expanding your offerings into new product or service categories, while focus means specializing in one specific area. But which one is right for your business? The answer depends on your unique goals, resources, and industry. Diversification Spreads Risk […]

  • employee engagement

    Beyond the Paycheck: The Unexpected Drivers of Employee Engagement

    In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to foster a productive and engaged workforce. While competitive salaries and benefits remain important factors, they are no longer the sole determinants of employee engagement. Increasingly, companies are recognizing the pivotal role of intangible factors in cultivating a motivated and dedicated workforce.  These unexpected drivers […]

  • brand consistency

    How Strong Brand Consistency Drives Brand Success: A Recipe for Success

    If you want your brand to stand out to be legendary, get ready for some serious brand consistency. This, paired with the ability to be able to deliver hyper-personalization is a formula for success. Learn more about this methodology of brand success in the following infographic, courtesy of BrandGuard: Source: BrandGuard

  • remote work

    The Benefits of Remote Work

    The work environment of today versus the not-too-distant past looks completely different. A white collar corporate job used to mean traveling into a major city and sitting at a desk on the 30th floor of an office building for 8 hours a day. A “grin and bear it” mentality was needed for the grueling commute […]

  • top loyalty apps

    A Look at the Top Loyalty Apps for Consumers

    What are the top loyalty apps when it comes to consumer segments of restaurants, travel, and shopping businesses? Learn which brands have made the top of the list in the infographic below, courtesy of Rewards That Matter:

  • Revolutionizing Business: TheTransformative Impact of B2B E-commerce

    In the ever-evolving landscape of commerce, the emergence of Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce has ushered in a new era of efficiency, connectivity, and profitability. B2B e-commerce platforms are fundamentally altering the traditional paradigms of conducting business, offering companies unprecedented opportunities to streamline operations, expand market reach, and drive innovation. This article explores the multifaceted impact of […]