10 Failed Ad Campaigns That Actually Drove Away Customers

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A PR stunt for a wedding

Anonymous Insurance Company

After creating and facing incredible backlash for this horrendous blunder, it’s no surprise that the company behind the following PR stunt chose to stay anonymous.

Mark and Audrey were a couple so in love that they decided to take to Facebook and YouTube to try and garner public support for their proposed marriage after their parents forbade them from marrying due to their age difference. Although Mark was 23 and Audrey was 47, the couple insisted that their love was strong and would prevail. Thousands of teary-eyed viewers rallied on social media outlets to show their support via likes, comments and shares.

Due to the incredible amount of support they were receiving, Mark and Audrey decided to live stream a video of their wedding day online. But when Mark rushed back to his hotel room to grab something important which he had forgotten, the sound of screeching wheels and a slamming noise in the background brought the wedding to a halt. Mark had been hit by a car and killed instantly.

“Unexpected things happen in life. Be insured to have your loved ones assured” read a message that floated across the screen. Mark wasn’t dead after all — in fact, he had never existed in the first place.

All the emotionally invested and supported fans of this couple were absolutely and understandably outraged that they had been tricked, and the company behind this genius idea smartly decided to stay anonymous lest they lose a whole lot of upset customers.

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A PR stunt for a wedding