10 Illegal Drugs That Used To Be Sold Over The Counter

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7. Methamphetamine (Sudafed)

Methamphetamine — or to give it its street names, crystal meth, ice or glass — is a particularly strong form of amphetamine. It can create intense feelings of alertness, euphoria and self-esteem when taken in large enough doses.

It is also highly addictive, can quickly lead to anxiety and paranoia, and is associated with a range of serious public health issues.

Methamphetamine can be produced in home laboratories using pseudoephedrine or ephedrine, which interestingly used to be active ingredients in over-the-counter medicines like Sudafed.

Over the last two decades, more and more restrictions have been placed on products that contain the aforementioned chemicals (Sudafed no longer contains the ingredient, for example) and today buyers need identification to purchase them.

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7. Methamphetamine (Sudafed)