4 Great Kindle Books on Investing

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Investing can be a rewarding, but sometimes scary, idea. When economic times are tough, many people turn away from conventional ways of investing because they are afraid of taking big loss. If you are ready to take on the risk to get a potential reward, there are plenty of great investment books on the market. If you own a Kindle, you will find some of the top titles available for download today.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This is a classic title for learning how to use personal skills to create financial success. First published in 1937, this book teaches readers how to use enthusiasm, character, leadership and good expression to add to wealth. This book provides the steps needed to build a personality that is capable of saying and doing the rights things in order to help people feel appreciated and important. It’s the classic “kill them with kindness” approach that has worked for many for the better part of a century.

Cody Willard’s Everything You Need to Know About Investing by Cody Willard

Cody Willard’s method of investing stems from his past of high-profile trading. In the book, Willard combines all of the things he’s learned on Wall Street to teach anyone how to invest with success. He has also included in the book a wealth of investing information from CEOs, senators and celebrities. Whether the reader is a novice or an expert in certain types of investing, all readers can gain more knowledge on investing overall with this book. Most of the book is written in a question and answer format for easy reading and also includes a glossary of terms and bibliography for suggested further reading.

Liar’s Poker by Michael Lewis

Liar’s Poker is an eye-opening account of Lewis’s four years on Wall Street with Salomon Brothers. The book chronicles the economic turmoil from 1984 to 1987 when national economic decisions changed the whole look of Wall Street, sending it into an eventual collapse. Lewis also discusses his success as a bond trader while also highlighting the darker side of Wall Street where workers play games to reward deceit of investors and other important players in the financial world. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to get an idea of what it was really like as a trader in the 1980s.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

The Intelligent Investor is one of the top-selling books in the category of no-fail strategies for wealth. The book provides basic skills and knowledge needed to competently manage a successful portfolio. The book does not try to sell readers on quick schemes for making a lot of money in a short amount of time. The authors of the book focus less on how to maximize profits, but rather talk about minimizing loss by making smart decisions. This book has already sold more than a million copies since it first came out in 1949 and has been helping new and experienced investors gain wealth with solid advice.