Category: Politics


  • Blue Moon, Bud Light, and Red Stripe Grace the Obama Beer Summit

    President Obama is hosting a beer get-together today to patch up the situation between himself, Prof. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Sgt. James Crowley, who arrested Gates on July 16. AB-InBev, Red Stripe, and Coors are taking starring roles in the meeting. The Washington Post has more: …(T)he president, planning to crack a Bud Light […]

  • How Will the 2010 Census Affect the Economy?

    The US Census Bureau has received $11 billion to conduct the 2010 census, which takes place on April 1, 2010. On its surface, the census exists to count people for congressional zoning purposes. However, in a society with the scale and complexity of our current one, a people count can mean a lot more. Here […]

  • Anonymous Joins Fight Against Tyranny In Iran

    As anti-government protestors clash with Iranian government officials over the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the internet has been buzzing with reports of violence against protestors supporting Mir Hossien Mousavi, the presidential candidate declared the elections loser. Prior to the elections many, including residents of Iran, believed the political process would work and Mir Hossien Mousavi […]

  • When DuPont Almost Overthrew the Government

    I love a good conspiracy. This one, involving Great Depression-era businessmen attempting to overthrow President Roosevelt in a military coup, just about beats them all: In the summer of 1933, shortly after Roosevelt’s “First 100 Days,” America’s richest businessmen were in a panic. It was clear that Roosevelt intended to conduct a massive redistribution of […]

  • 25 Men Behind the Financial Crisis

    The current financial crisis has an Achilles Heel: Who can we blame? No single person orchestrated, coordinated, and managed the financial disaster. Unless you believe the devil or the Illuminati were behind it, the financial disaster remains more of a systemic problem than one of twisted minds. But there are key players involved. They are […]

  • Tax Day Tea Parties = Branded Populist Anger

    Today’s Tea Party phenomenon left me scratching my head. On the one hand, I’m appalled at the mountains of money being moved during the bailout process, and question the legitimacy of the entire process. If the Tea Parties had specific agendas relating to, say, auditing the Fed (a Ron Paul initiative) or kicking out Tim […]

  • LegiStorm Infuriates High-Paid Government Officials

    LegiStorm is a sweet website that does wonders for government transparency. How? By making it easy to find congressional staffers’ salaries, bonuses, and other financial information. More from the Washington Post: All this stuff is public information, mind you. But it used to be a pain to find: Hike up to Capitol Hill, descend into […]

  • $250 Social Security Stimulus Checks are in the Mail

    The social security stimulus package is on its way. The stimulus comes in the form of $250 checks for social security recipients. CNN reports: An estimated 50 million Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive their one-time $250 economic stimulus check starting in early May — several weeks ahead of schedule, Vice […]

  • USDA Unaware of How Many People it Employs

    Remember the peanut recall? It may have something to do with the USDA’s organizational, err, challenges. AgWeb’s Washington Insight blog reports on USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack’s Monday press conference: How many people actually work at USDA? In an interesting development, Vilsack said he cannot find out how many thousands of employees he has at USDA. […]

  • Obama’s Inaugural Address: Full Text

    Here’s the full text of Obama’s inaugural address, as posted on the Washington Post: My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as […]

  • 25 Barack Obama Quotes

    Here are 25 excellent Barack Obama quotes, in celebration of our 44th President taking office today: 1. A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, “Huh. It works. It makes sense.” 2. That’s silly talk… Talk to my […]

  • Obama Speech: Stimulus Does Not Motivate

    President-elect Barack Obama’s speech today covered his outlook for the economy and new economic stimulus plan. From Brian Knowlton, New York Times: President-elect Barack Obama on Thursday urged Congress to act quickly to pass sweeping economic stimulus measures, including a tax cut and an infusion of as much as $800 billion, or face the likelihood […]