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  • 25 Least Trustworthy Brands of the Past Decade

    Image: Alex E. Proimos/Flickr What makes you stop trusting a company? Was talking to their customer service people akin to having a conversation with a brick wall? Do your bills more closely resemble Pandora’s Box than something you can actually pay? When you try to resolve things with the company, do they suddenly become slippery? […]

  • 10 Things You Pay Much More For Now

    It’s time to face some unfortunate facts: prices for many commodities and goods are going up. The tremulous recovery of the economy after the recession has been shaken in recent months due to shortages, political unrest, and natural catastrophes: events like Japan’s tsunami and nuclear disaster, to the Arab world’s political uprisings, people are beginning […]

  • 10 Notorious Tax Evaders Who Didn’t Get Away with It

    They say that the only constants in life are death and taxes. Yet while attempts to evade the Grim Reaper have so far proven to be ultimately unsuccessful, this hasn’t stopped people trying to get out of their debt to the government. There are a wealth of loopholes and accounting tricks with which a savvy […]

  • 25 Most Trustworthy Brands

    Image: Valerie Everett/Flickr What makes you trust someone? For one, they do what they say they’re going to do. They help you out when you need it most. They don’t do anything to make you distrust them, like charge you for borrowing their DVDs or stealing your stuff. Trusting brands works the same way. When […]

  • 10 Greatest Works of Billboard Subvertising

    Advertisements are a pervasive part of life, visible everywhere. Yet commercial breaks, paid reviews, product placement in movies and television, and sponsorship in magazines can all be avoided by simply switching off. The only inescapable advertisements, for anyone who isn’t a hermit, are the billboards and posters that fill your vision wherever you walk or […]

  • Upcoming Startup Companies, & Their Missions

    Investors scour the industry publications each year in hopes of finding the next startup, just before they hit it big. Just as interested, but less financially connected, the high-tech junkie is always on the lookout for his next fix. Oh, yeah; the hipsters knew it first. Hopeful entrepreneurs are also watching, looking for an idea […]

  • 15 of the Most Worthless Inventions Money Can Buy

    Despite the world’s trials and tribulations, it seems like a lot of inventors are hell-bent on creating products which are nothing more than a worthless gimmick. This is because people would rather try and buy their way to health and happiness than work toward it. Money-hungry inventors and investors are all too eager to give […]

  • 25 Corporations That Pay Less Taxes Than You Do

    Image: Aldo Gonzalez/Flickr It’s tax man time. Around the country every April, private citizens and most business owners scrape together 25% or more of their income and send it off to the IRS. So how is it that giant multinationals, purportedly taxed at around 35%, manage to pay close to nothing—or, in GE’s case this […]

  • 10 Celebrity Fashion Lines That Bombed Hard

    Celebrities wear clothes. And due to our culture’s fascination with the daily goings-on of famous people, they often have their pictures taken while wearing the clothes. Then people write about these fascinating occurrences in magazines, newspapers and on blogs. Sadly, this ability to wear clothes and then have a photograph taken seems to have given […]

  • 10 Politicians Who Stole Fortunes

    You make the laws. You control the military, police force, trade policies, tax rates, and most facets of everyday life in the country you rule. Being a politician is certainly a power trip. But for many politicians, power isn’t enough. They go and stuff their pockets with every chunk of change they can get their […]

  • 10 of the Dumbest Political Parties

    Ah, political parties, like a pimple on the face of America right before a prom. Oh, you can treat it, but the big ones never really go away and the little ones are just as annoying. Here is a countdown to 10 groups that are slowly destroying America.

  • Interview: Nixing Name Invisibility on Google

    Image: Lili Viera de Carvalho/Flickr If you’re John Smith, you might be out of luck. On Google, that is, where a million other John Smiths are drowning you out, just when you want someone to find you. In today’s media-rich economy, “even not having an online presence tells people something about you,” says Vizibility founder […]

  • 10 Genetically Modified Foods

    Genetically modified organisms have been at the center of a lot of stormy debates for the past few decades. On the one hand, advocates say the genetic modification is one of the best ways to fight world hunger. As the human population is expected to reach seven billion this decade, malnutrition is a growing global […]

  • 10 Kids Who Started Wildly Successful Companies

    Image: 3rd eye photographer/Flickr While most kids stick with lemonade stands, some young entrepreneurs take their business much further. These young child entrepreneurs have earned millions of dollars and have extended their busienss ventures to multiple countries. Their products span a plethora of industries including tech, software, business, and even bacon. We detail 10 of […]

  • What’s a Newsletter Good For, Anyway?

    After browsing our newsletter subscriber numbers, I found that a relatively small proportion of our newsletter subscribers open their newsletters and click through to the featured articles. I can relate. I get a whole bunch of newsletters. A number of them disappear into my spam folder; I have labels for others–and I never jump into […]